
“Spring is here! Spring is here! Life is skittles and life is beer. I think the loveliest time of the year is the spring. I do. Don’t you? ‘Course you do.”

I haven't been able to avoid the flower aisle at the grocery. Buy all the flowers!

I haven’t been able to avoid the flower aisle at the grocery. Buy all the flowers!

As much as I long for heavy snowfall in the winter, bundled up in cozy sweaters and scarves, I can’t help but get giddy when hints of spring appear. Our winter here was atypical for us: grassy green meadows remained, rain fell instead of snow (not a single flake!), no cuddle-duds were needed. Because of this, I doubted that spring’s arrival would be as sweet. In North Dakota, spring seemed to arrive overnight (though maybe not until late April). The disgusting gray snow mounds would melt into the street, dead brown grass would reappear. But even still, I’d drive home from work with the windows down and immediately put away my heavy winter coat until the next winter, committed to the prospect of spring. Everyone buzzed with the same unspoken excitement.


Here, it sneaked in slowly. One small indicator at a time. The green grass grew lusher. Sunlight hung around a little longer. Temperatures rose. Plants began to bud. Daffodils spot both countryside and kerbside like dandelions. One day last week I woke up before my alarm from the sights and sounds of spring. The sun was shining so brightly through the curtains that I actually thought I had overslept. But nope, spring was just confirming its presence. And the birds!!! I’ve never heard birds sing with such bliss (or with such volume… side note: I think there are birds living in the ceiling above our bathroom. Yikes.)

I’ve celebrated so far by decking the house out in color – new buntings, fresh cut flowers – and bringing color back into my wardrobe. My morning tea today fit the vibe as well.

Spring is in the air... and it looks as if spring is in my tea!

Spring is in the air… and it looks as if spring is in my tea!

Although it’s technically not spring yet I’m declaring that it is here to stay; at least for a few months! For those of you still blanketed in snow, I hope your patience is rewarded and spring arrives in all of its glory soon! Just as autumn represents necessary change and preparing to hunker down for the long dreary months ahead, spring to me symbolizes a fresh start. Hope. New life. I’m no poet… that is clear. But, every spring I am reminded of lyrics from a song by Nicole Nordeman entitled Every Season:

“And everything that’s new has bravely surfaced
Teaching us to breathe.
What was frozen through is newly purposed
Turning all things green.
So it is with You
And how You make me new
With every season’s change.
And so it will be
As You are re-creating me
Summer, autumn, winter, spring.”

Newly purposed

Newly purposed

As I focus on this time of “re-creation” and God’s grace that gives me that chance, I want to pinpoint a few things that need to be changed in my life. I’m praying that God helps to recreate me in these ways, specifically, as the world around me is transformed:

  • Use my time more wisely and less selfishly, in ways that glorify God.
  • Live generously, listening for God’s voice to guide me in giving of my resources and gifts.
  • Being a better listener in general.
  • Be intentional about building and keeping relationships with those near and far.
  • Live boldly for Him, demonstrating God’s love and speaking His truth to those I come into contact with on a daily basis.
  • Prioritize time in God’s word and other books that will build my faith.

In what ways do you want to be made new this spring?

I’ll leave you now with some sights of East Anglia: colorful and coming to life!

Magnolias in bloom! (I had no idea magnolias could grow in England until we moved here!)

Magnolias in bloom! (I had no idea magnolias could grow in England until we moved here!)

Ahhhh, the smell of fresh cut grass!

Ahhhh, the smell of fresh cut grass!

Rosemary blossoms

Rosemary blossoms

"And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils."

“And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.”